Mileage: 26,774 miles
Advisory Notices:
Failure Notices:
Rear Position lamp not working (4.2.1 (a) (ii))
Stop lamp(s) all not working (4.3.1 (a) (iii))
Nearside Parking brake inoperative on one side (1.4.1 (a))
Parking brake efficiency below requirements (1.4.2 (a) (i))
Front Position lamp not working (4.2.1 (a) (ii))
Registration plate lamp inoperative in the case of a single lamp or all lamps (4.7.1 (b) (ii))
Nearside Rear Service brake has no recorded effort at a wheel (1.2.1 (a) (ii))
Service brake efficiency below requirements (1.2.2 (a) (i))
Rear Brakes imbalanced across an axle Axle 2 (1.2.1 (b) (i))
Mileage: 26,571 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Rear Upper Leaf spring has slight wear in a shackle pin and/or bush & lower (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 26,446 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Rear Lower Suspension rod pin or bush worn but not resulting in excessive movement spring eye (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 26,446 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Rear Lower Suspension rod pin or bush worn but not resulting in excessive movement spring eye (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Failure Notices:
Registration plate lamp inoperative in the case of a single lamp or all lamps (4.7.1 (b) (ii))
Service brake efficiency below requirements (1.2.2 (a) (i))
Mileage: 26,286 miles
Advisory Notices:
Rear Brake hose has slight corrosion to ferrule to load valve (1.1.12 (f) (i))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 25,930 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Rear Lower Leaf spring has slight wear in an anchor pin and/or bush (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Offside Rear Axle bump stop missing
Central Oil leak, but not excessive Gearbox rear seal (8.4.1 (a) (i))
Offside Rear Lower Leaf spring has slight wear in an anchor pin and/or bush (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Nearside Rear Axle bump stop missing
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 25,930 miles
Advisory Notices:
Offside Rear Axle bump stop missing
Nearside Rear Lower Leaf spring has slight wear in an anchor pin and/or bush (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Nearside Rear Axle bump stop missing
Central Oil leak, but not excessive Gearbox rear seal (8.4.1 (a) (i))
Offside Rear Lower Leaf spring has slight wear in an anchor pin and/or bush (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Failure Notices:
Service brake efficiency below requirements (1.2.2 (a) (i))
Mileage: 25,786 miles
Advisory Notices:
Rear brake drum ovality o/s & n/s
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 25,786 miles
Advisory Notices:
Rear brake drum ovality o/s & n/s
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 25,578 miles
Advisory Notices:
Rear brake hose ferrules corroded
Nearside Rear Leaf spring has slight wear in a shackle pin and/or bush & o/s (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Nearside Front Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing & o/s (5.2.3 (d) (i))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 25,578 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Front Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing & o/s (5.2.3 (d) (i))
Rear brake hose ferrules corroded
Nearside Rear Leaf spring has slight wear in a shackle pin and/or bush & o/s (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Failure Notices:
Offside Rear Service brake excessively binding (1.2.1 (f))
Mileage: 25,443 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Rear Leaf spring has slight wear in a shackle pin and/or bush & o/s (2.4.B.2)
Brake hose has slight corrosion to ferrules load valve to t piece (3.6.B.4e)
Nearside Rear Brake pipe slightly corroded & o/s to wheel cylinders (3.6.B.2c)
Nearside Rear rear brake fluctuating, but not excessively & o/s (3.7.B.3)
Front tyres cracking in tread
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 25,443 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Rear rear brake fluctuating, but not excessively & o/s (3.7.B.3)
Nearside Rear Leaf spring has slight wear in a shackle pin and/or bush & o/s (2.4.B.2)
Front tyres cracking in tread
Brake hose has slight corrosion to ferrules load valve to t piece (3.6.B.4e)
Nearside Rear Brake pipe slightly corroded & o/s to wheel cylinders (3.6.B.2c)
Failure Notices:
Offside rear brake binding (3.7.B.1)
Mileage: 25,418 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside rear brake fluctuating, but not excessively & o/s (3.7.B.3)
Rear Brake hose has slight corrosion to ferrules (3.6.B.4e)
Nearside Rear Leaf spring has slight wear in a shackle pin and/or bush & o/s (2.4.B.2)
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 25,418 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside rear brake fluctuating, but not excessively & o/s (3.7.B.3)
Nearside Rear Leaf spring has slight wear in a shackle pin and/or bush & o/s (2.4.B.2)
Rear Brake hose has slight corrosion to ferrules (3.6.B.4e)
Failure Notices:
Brake valve leaking load valve (3.6.A.1)
Mileage: 25,349 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside rear brake fluctuating, but not excessively (3.7.B.3)
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 25,240 miles
Advisory Notices: No Advisory Notices
Failure Notices: No Failure Notices
Mileage: 25,220 miles
Advisory Notices: No Advisory Notices
Failure Notices: No Failure Notices
Mileage: 24,766 miles
Advisory Notices: No Advisory Notices
Failure Notices: No Failure Notices
Mileage: 244,578 miles
Advisory Notices:
Rear Brake hose slightly damaged (3.6.B.4d)
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 244,578 miles
Advisory Notices:
Rear Brake hose slightly damaged (3.6.B.4d)
Failure Notices:
Nearside Brake hose ferrule excessively corroded (3.6.B.4e)
Nearside Headlamp aim too high (1.8)
Exhaust emits an excessive level of metered smoke for a non-turbo charged engine (7.4.B.3b)
Mileage: 23,559 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Front Shock absorber has a light misting of oil (2.7.3)
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 23,559 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Front Shock absorber has a light misting of oil (2.7.3)
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 20,963 miles
Advisory Notices: No Advisory Notices
Failure Notices: No Failure Notices
Date | Mileage |
2024.08.09 15:38:21 | 26,774 |
2023.07.26 15:48:14 | 26,571 |
2022.08.10 08:58:40 | 26,446 |
2022.08.05 14:28:45 | 26,446 |
2021.07.28 07:59:44 | 26,286 |
2020.08.13 14:41:39 | 25,930 |
2020.08.11 13:28:40 | 25,930 |
2019.06.06 17:30:00 | 25,786 |
2019.06.06 17:29:59 | 25,786 |
2018.06.06 10:13:59 | 25,578 |
2018.06.05 15:26:57 | 25,578 |
2017.06.08 08:08:59 | 25,443 |
2017.06.07 11:57:44 | 25,443 |
2016.04.28 11:21:47 | 25,418 |
2016.04.15 11:17:40 | 25,418 |
2015.04.16 17:24:17 | 25,349 |
2011.08.19 12:57:03 | 25,240 |
2010.08.27 12:21:55 | 25,220 |
2009.07.23 14:41:59 | 24,766 |
2008.08.01 15:38:46 | 244,578 |
2008.07.30 17:30:25 | 244,578 |
2007.07.18 09:09:04 | 23,559 |
2007.07.18 09:09:04 | 23,559 |
2006.07.25 09:39:36 | 20,963 |